Viasat Internet for Seniors in 2025

Viasat provides seniors in rural areas ways to connect with satellite internet packages offering speeds up to 100 Mbps. Rating:
3.0 of 5
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Questions? Speak with a Viasat Specialist:
(866) 983-6352
Speeds Up to 100 Mbps
$30 Per month starting price
Coverage In all 50 states
2-Year Contracts is supported by commissions from providers listed on our site. Read our Editorial Guidelines Rating:
3.0 of 5
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Questions? Speak with a Viasat Specialist:
(866) 983-6352
Taylor Shuman
Taylor Shuman, Senior Tech Expert & Editor Read About Our Panel of Experts

Viasat is a great fit for rural Americans. Why? It beams your internet via satellite. Satellite internet can reach anywhere, regardless of the infrastructure for cable or fiber. Rural areas often lack said infrastructure, and building it in more remote areas isn’t entirely feasible.

Viasat also gives you unlimited internet phone calls (if you aren’t into video chatting). You can even supercharge your Viasat plan with speeds up to 100 Mbps and 300 GB of data per month. For comparison, that’s about six times more emailing, surfing, and streaming than HughesNet 50, a popular plan from one of Viasat’s main competitors, gives you.

Our tech experts have researched and reviewed Viasat’s plans and their usefulness for seniors. Let’s look at Viasat’s complete internet service, including plans and pricing. We’ll also cover special seniors bundles, installation, and a few insider tips you won’t find anywhere else.


FYI: Want to compare Viasat to other top internet providers? Check out our list of the best internet for seniors in 2025.

Pros About Viasat

  • Plans for most budgets
  • Fast internet
  • Plenty of data
  • Rural coverage in all 50 states
  • Voice calls

Cons About Viasat

  • Satellite internet can be slower than cable or fiber optic.
  • It may slow down once you reach your data cap.
  • There are monthly equipment rental fees.

Does Viasat Internet Offer the Most Bang for Your Buck?

Viasat is a solid option for older adults living in rural areas or places with few internet options. However, if you want to do more than check email or use social media, you’ll likely need to pay for a plan with faster speeds and higher data caps. These options are significantly more expensive than the basic Viasat internet plans. If you want to learn more about your options and potentially find an internet provider that better suits your needs and budget, check out the top-rated providers below.

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Viasat Internet Plans and Speeds at a Glance

Plan* Price per month Price after 3 months of service Download speeds up to Data cap
Basic 12 $49.99 $69.99 12 Mbps 80 GB
Liberty 12 $30 $50 12 Mbps 12 GB
Liberty 25 $50 $75 12 Mbps 25 GB
Liberty 50 $75 $100 12 Mbps 50 GB
Unlimited Bronze 12 $66.99 $99.99 12 Mbps 100 GB
Unlimited Silver 25 $99.99 $149.99 25 Mbps 120 GB
Unlimited Gold 50 $149.99 $199.99 50 Mbps 200 GB
Unlimited Platinum 100 $199.99 $299.99 100 Mbps 300 GB

*Available plans and prices may vary by location

The Breakdown: Viasat Internet Plans for Seniors

So, you live somewhere off the beaten track and want to keep in touch with old friends and family. (Or you just want to binge-watch your favorite TV show for the third time. No one’s judging.)

No matter what you use the internet for, Viasat’s probably got a plan for you. And because Viasat is pretty much everywhere (satellite internet reaches almost 100 percent of the U.S., according to the FCC2), you’re most likely covered. Here’s a quick breakdown of Viasat’s most popular satellite internet plans for seniors (see the table above for reference).

Basic 12 for Light Internet Users

The Basic 12 plan might work if screen time means light emailing, surfing, and low-definition streaming. That’s because the Basic 12 only offers speeds up to 12 Mbps and 80 GB of data monthly. For context, most American families burn through at least 300 GB of data per month. That number is growing every year.

A quick explanation for those unfamiliar with these terms: You use data every time you go online. Whether you’re checking emails, playing online games, listening to music, or using a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, you’re using data. Some activities use more data than others, though. Checking emails, for example, uses a small amount of data but streaming or gaming can eat through it.

Did You Know?

Did You Know? If you ever used Exede satellite internet, you were actually using Viasat. Exede launched in 2012 in Carlsbad, California, and rebranded as Viasat in 2017.

So if you don’t subscribe to a satellite TV service like DirecTV or DISH (which won’t affect your internet data allowance)  like your Netflix, you might want to consider one of Viasat’s more data-packed plans. However, if you simply want to use the internet to check emails and shop online, this more affordable plan might be right for you.

Unlimited Bronze 12 for Middle-of-the-Road Internet Users

Viasat’s Unlimited Bronze 12 plan gives you the same speed (up to 12 Mbps) and similar streaming quality (360p, for all you video geeks out there) as the Basic 12. The difference is that this plan comes with 100 GB of unlimited data.

“Wait a sec,” I can hear you saying, “100 GB of unlimited data? Which is it, 100 GB or unlimited?” Great question.

With Viasat’s unlimited internet plans, you’ll never burn through all your data. Once you reach your “cap” (which is 100 GB with the Bronze 12 plan), Viasat will “prioritize” customers who haven’t reached their monthly cap yet. In other words, they’ll slow your connection down a bit.


FYI: New to satellite internet? Become an expert. Check out our internet buyer’s guide for seniors for tips, deals, and tech know-how.

Annoying? It can be. But before you run out and tell everyone at happy hour what sneaks those satellite internet companies are, consider this: We appreciate that Viasat still lets you use data even after you’ve reached your cap. Some providers will completely cut you off after you hit your data limit, so this is a perk with Viasat.

Unlimited Platinum 100 for Higher Speeds and More Data

You’ve probably noticed a pattern: The higher you go on the Viasat pricing table, the faster your internet and the more data you get. The Platinum 100 plan includes a generous 300 GB of data, HD streaming, and zippy speeds of up to 100 Mbps. If you’re a cinephile who watches movies in ultra HD — which burns through 7 GB per hour — this probably won’t be enough data for you.

Insider tip:

Insider tip: Here’s a little-known but critical fact — you don’t need more than a 5-10 Mbps connection to stream standard-definition TV over the internet. (That refers to download speed, by the way, or data you’re pulling in.)

On the other hand, if you are already hooked up with a satellite TV service to get your HD movie fix, want to video-chat with friends and family a few times a week (without your screen freezing up on you), and want some data left over for emailing, surfing, and YouTubing, one of Viasat’s three top-tier plans may be a good fit. We won’t deny it, though: calculating how much data you might use in a month isn’t simple. And it’s no fun running out of data or rationing out your video streaming.

On the bright side, you can always upgrade to one of Viasat’s higher-tier plans if you get caught short on data (or downgrade if, at the end of the month, you’re rolling in extra data like Scrooge McDuck does in money). Viasat offers several plans.

Money-saving tip:

Money-saving tip: Viasat offers free satellite installation for subscribers living in certain areas of the U.S. It is a promotion; check with a customer service representative to see if you might be eligible.

Plus, while other senior-friendly internet providers might give you more data — I’m thinking of Cox Communications’ internet plans here, which all come with a humongous 1 TB of data per month — they’re likely cable providers, not satellite. As mentioned, many cable providers aren’t available in rural areas.

Viasat’s plans and availability aren’t set in stone, as with all internet providers. Prices and services will vary depending on where you live.

Does Viasat Offer a Senior Internet Discount?

As of this writing, Viasat isn’t offering any discounts for seniors. You may be eligible for free installation, depending on your financial situation. But many of Viasat’s best deals are only promotions – and sadly, promotions come and go. The best thing to do, if you do go with Viasat, is to ask a customer service representative if they’ve got any special discounts running when you’re ready to sign up.

Money-saving tip:

Money-saving tip: On a tight budget? Check out our top picks for the cheapest internet providers for seniors to see if any affordable plans are available in your area.

You can also reduce your carbon footprint by starting with a lighter plan like the Bronze 12 and seeing how it goes. Using just 20 GB less data a month can save you $50 per month!

Is Viasat Available in My Area?

Chances are, yes. Viasat covers most of the continental U.S., so you’re probably good to go with Viasat. The only prerequisites for Viasat satellite installation are a south-facing view and a stationary abode. That excludes people traveling in camper vans and RVs. Apologies to those off-the-grid.

Even if Viasat covers your area, plans differ according to ZIP code. We can help you find the best Viasat options in your neck of the woods. Scroll back up and click the “See Pricing” button at the top of the page for more information.

Viasat Bundles to Get the Best Deal

Viasat Voice

Up top, I mentioned a useful Viasat feature called internet voice calls, or Viasat Voice. Voice calls aren’t just practical (if you’re not into video) – they can be a potential money-saver. Here’s why: typically, 100 hours of internet voice chatting burns through 25 GB of data, but if you have Viasat Voice, your voice time won’t count toward your data allowance. While Viasat Voice isn’t technically “bundled in,” you can add it to your Viasat plan for $29.99 monthly for the first two months ($39.99 every month afterward).

Insider tip:

Insider tip: Most internet plan contracts have some fine print. Most often, the hidden costs are equipment rental fees you pay monthly plus your internet service fees, so be on the lookout for these extra costs.

Viasat Shield

The last feature we’d recommend looking into is Viasat’s malware blocker, Viasat Shield. Sturdy malware protection will help keep you safe from all sorts of malicious internet stuff that can easily infect your devices and lead to massive complications down the line, including the biggest, most expensive threat to older Americans today: identity theft.3 At $5.99 per month, Viasat Shield is no wallet-breaker.

How Does Viasat Compare to Other Internet Providers?

Compare notes with your city-dwelling friends with an unlimited Spectrum internet package or any of Comcast Xfinity’s blazing-fast plans. You’ll notice that satellite is generally more expensive. And, of course, you won’t get any TV channels bundled in with Viasat like you would with Spectrum or Xfinity.

But if you live in a harder-to-get-to place, cable internet might not be available. Beaming your internet into your living room has a price.

HughesNet, a premium satellite internet provider/ Viasat’s closest competition, is a better comparison. HughesNet’s top-tier plans are $99.99 and $149.99 per month, with no price hike after the first three months. Remember that with HughesNet, your maximum speed is 25 Mbps (not very fast), and your data will tank out at 50 GB. In other words, what you save in cash, you may come to regret in “not enough FaceTime with cousin Marge.”

The Bottom Line on Viasat

Satellite internet is more expensive than cable. And no, Viasat can’t offer the speed or data allowances of CenturyLink’s Fiber Gigabit plans. However, Viasat is a solid option for those who live in rural areas or other places with limited provider options. With prices ranging from $30 to $199.99 per month and download speeds up to 100 Mbps, there are options for most budgets and internet needs.

So, embrace all the fun stuff you’ll get to do with your new satellite internet! You can indulge in activities like taking live ukulele classes beamed in from Austin, virtual family happy hours, and even watching 72 Dangerous Animals: Latin America on Netflix. (Folks, I know I’m not the only one.)

You can manage all those things and more on one of Viasat’s three top-tier plans. Just spend a little time forecasting your data needs first, and consider complementing your internet service with a satellite TV package that won’t burn through all your precious data before the fifth day of the month. After that, I’m sure it’ll be happy streaming for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions About Viasat

Written By:
Taylor Shuman
Senior Tech Expert & Editor
Read About Our Panel of Experts
As’s tech expert and editor, Taylor has years of experience reviewing products and services for seniors. She is passionate about breaking down stigmas related to seniors and technology. She loves finding innovative ways to teach seniors about products and… Learn More About Taylor Shuman