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MDHearing Hearing Aids Costs and Pricing

MDHearing offers some of the most affordable hearing aids on the market, starting at $297 per pair. is supported by commissions from providers listed on our site. Read our Editorial Guidelines Rating:
4.7 of 5
(800) 422-9380 Call for details
10+ Years in Business
4 Style Options
1+ Year Warranty
$297 Starting Price is supported by commissions from providers listed on our site. Read our Editorial Guidelines Rating:
4.7 of 5
(800) 422-9380 Call for details
Brad Ingrao
Dr. Brad Ingrao, Audiologist Read About Our Panel of Experts

In recent years, direct-to-consumer hearing aid manufacturers like MDHearing have made hearing aids more accessible at a fraction of the cost. With prices ranging from $297 to $397 per pair, MDHearing offers two behind-the-ear hearing aids and two in-the-ear models. The pricing is especially cost-friendly when compared to other hearing aids on the market, like Starkey Hearing's devices, which can cost upward of $4,000 per device (multiply that by two for a pair). The company offers some of the best hearing aids for those with mild to moderate hearing loss.

While MDHearing is a cost-friendly option, they don’t offer customizable earpiece solutions, like Eargo and Oticon, which means their hearing aids may not be the perfect fit for your ears. The company adopts a one-size-fits-most model and comes equipped with comfortTIP technology. On the plus side, there is a 100 percent money-back guarantee if their hearing aids don’t meet your expectations, so you can give them a try without risk. Read on to see if MDHearing is the right solution for you and your ears.

MDHearing's NEO XS hearing aids

MDHearing's NEO XS hearing aids

What Sets MDHearing Apart

Many hearing aid manufacturers we've reviewed, like Miracle-Ear, sell their devices through retail clinics and doctor’s offices. This third-party business model inherently drives up the cost of devices into the thousands because they have to pay for labor and storefronts. By contrast, MDHearing cuts out the middleman and uses the technology of the internet to eliminate the need for clinics and storefronts, which is one of our favorite things about the company.

MDHearing serves older adults in two unique ways. First, they remove the cost barrier by making the devices affordable for most budgets. Because MDHearing partners with their own hearing experts and you’re able to take a hearing test and purchase your products online, you eliminate the cost of visiting a hearing clinic.

The average cost of a pair of hearing aids can range anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000 depending on the features they offer. MDHearing understands that this is simply not affordable for many older adults. They promise to provide medical-grade hearing aids at a more affordable rate, meaning you can save up to a few thousand dollars! They even offer affordable monthly payment plans for those on a tight budget. If you’re on a tight budget or fixed income, we also recommend visiting our guide to free and discounted hearing aids to learn how you can save.

Second, MDHearing offers non-invasive hearing tests online, which means customers can receive guidance from the comfort of their own homes. As mentioned earlier, their comfortable easy-to-fit earpieces do not require custom fittings. Cutting out these extra steps is another great way MDHearing can save consumers big money. To ensure that their devices are fitted to your ear needs and lifestyle, MDHearing offers a 45-day in-home trial period, meaning you can test them out within your routine before you make the purchase.

MDHearing Pricing and Products

MDHearing’s product lineup includes two behind-the-ear hearing aid styles and two in-the-ear models, with prices ranging from $297 to $397 per pair, thanks to the company’s ongoing sales. From two discreet, rechargeable in-the-ear models to high-tech and app-compatible devices, there are several options available. They also offer a monthly payment plan with zero percent interest for the first year.

Keep in mind that MDHearing’s devices are only suitable for those with mild to moderate hearing loss. If you have severe hearing loss, are worried that your hearing loss is tied to an underlying issue, or want to know the root cause of your hearing loss, we’d highly recommend visiting an audiologist or ENT physician, as an online test can’t provide that level of detail.


FYI: Looking for ways to fit a pair of hearing aids in your budget? Consider using a budgeting app to track your expenses and income. Here are the five best budgeting apps for seniors.

MDHearing AIR: Most Affordable Behind-the-Ear Design

MDHearing AIR Pair

MDHearing AIR pair

The AIR is a high-quality rechargeable hearing aid at a fraction of the price. It aims to remove the affordability barrier that keeps many older adults from pursuing a digital hearing aid device. The AIR is one of MDHearing’s more basic models, and it’s now rechargeable! No more struggling with changing batteries. At $297 per pair, this model is affordable for most budgets thanks to its frequent sales.

The AIR model uses the classic behind-the-ear (BTE) design and is equipped with features like noise cancellation to limit feedback from other frequencies and to perform well in most noise-level situations. That means your hearing aids will work seamlessly in all kinds of environments, whether you’re walking along a busy street, having dinner at a noisy restaurant, or spending time at home with family.

MDHearing NEO: Discreet In-the-Ear Design

MDHearing Neo

MDHearing Neo

The NEO, priced at $297 per pair, is another rechargeable offering from MDHearing. The NEO model comes in an in-the-ear (ITE) design and is equipped with features like noise reduction to limit feedback from other frequencies and to perform well in most noise-level situations. That means your hearing aids will work seamlessly in all kinds of environments, whether you’re walking along a busy street, having dinner at a noisy restaurant, or just spending time at home with family. This model is a great choice for those who want a discreet, nearly invisible hearing aid.

MDHearing NEO XS: MDHearing’s Smallest Hearing Aid Yet

MDHearing Neo XS

Testing out the Neo XS from MDHearing

MDHearing recently released the NEO XS, the company’s smallest model to date. Priced at $397 per pair (after discounts), the NEO XS is $100 more than the NEO. That $100 will get you upgraded noise reduction and an even smaller design for comfort. This ITE model builds on its predecessor, the NEO, to offer even more discreet hearing coverage. This is perfect for those who have smaller ears, as larger ITE models can be uncomfortable.

MDHearing VOLT: Behind-the-Ear Design With Rechargeable Batteries

MD HearingAid Volt Packaging

MDHearing Volt packaging

Priced at $397 per pair, the VOLT is MDHearing’s most popular model. This model comes with a charger for easy overnight docking and batteries that last all day in between charges.

Quick Tip:

Quick Tip: If you’re having a hard time figuring out which hearing aids are right for you, we can help! Visit our 2024 hearing aid buyer’s guide. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know to make an informed purchase.

The VOLT features a comfortable fit and minimal behind-the-ear design; plus it is equipped with features like adaptive noise reduction and feedback cancellation, along with four different audio settings to adapt to your individual hearing needs. These features work together to reduce surrounding sounds so you can focus on what you’re supposed to be hearing. They also reduce feedback (ringing and buzzing) caused by interaction with other devices.

The best thing about having a rechargeable hearing aid is that you don't have to replace batteries regularly. The button batteries are even more compact than the devices themselves. Rather than dealing with small batteries, this model can be recharged in as little as three hours.

The downside to a rechargeable model is that everything has an expiration. Eventually, the batteries will wear down and charge less effectively. You may notice that your device requires more frequent charging and that can become problematic, leaving you without the use of your hearing device and needing to pony up for a new one. However, it’s still a great option for those who struggle with gripping or have difficulty remembering to replace batteries.

If you want to learn more about the MDHearing VOLT, check out my full VOLT review.

Additional Accessories and Add-Ons

The hearing aid product is the biggest expense involved. However, there are a few additional accessories that can help with the maintenance of your device. Proper cleaning and maintenance are important to prolonging the life of the device.

Add-on Function Price
UV Clean and Dry Box Optional $99.99
Tubing Air Blower Optional $5.95
Earwax Removal Kit Optional $15
Hearing Aid Cleaning Tool Set Optional $7.50
Replacement Tips and Tubes Required as needed Starting at $7.50 per set
Replacement Batteries Required for some models $3.95 to $32.50
Charger Case Optional for some models Starting at $99.95
MDShield Protection Plans Optional, but highly recommended $3.99 to $19.00 per month
ComfortTIPs (for added comfort and improved sound) Optional $7.50 to $15.00

How To Buy a Hearing Aid With MDHearing

If you have never been fitted for a hearing aid, the process of adding another doctor and appointment to your list can be overwhelming. From an easy, non-invasive online hearing test to receiving your device in the mail for a risk-free trial period, MDHearing does a good job of keeping it simple.

  • Get a hearing test: Until you receive the results of your hearing test, any potential problems are just a guess, so taking a test is the first step. MDHearing offers a quick and effective diagnostic test that anyone can do online — and it takes just eight minutes!
  • Understanding your audiogram: An audiogram is a fancy term for the results of your hearing test. When you go to a doctor, these results are usually buried in a lot of scientific jargon. With MDHearing, you don’t need a doctor to decipher the results. They use plain English and clear diagrams that depict your results so you can easily tell if your hearing is within normal ranges. If you do live with some degree of hearing loss, there are more detailed explanations available. Overall, the information is very well laid out so that you can see the information that you need at a glance.
  • Shopping for an MDHearing device: MDHearing offers five different models that can be purchased online. All you need to do is take the results of your hearing test and MDHearing’s recommendations, shop around, and make your purchase online!

Need Help Finding the Right Hearing Aid?

Answer a few easy questions to find the hearing aid that’s right for you.

How MDHearing Measures Up to the Competition

MDHearing Starkey Eargo
Price Range $297 – $397 per pair $1,800 – $4,000 each $799 – $2,950 each
Hearing Test Yes Yes Yes
FDA Approval Yes Yes Yes
Take-Home Trial Period 45 days 30 days 45 days
Hearing Aid Style 3 BTE models and 1 ITE BTE and ITE  ITE


MDHearing checks all of the boxes when searching for affordable hearing aids backed by well-proven technology, customer service, and the expertise of audiologists. Those looking for an alternative to expensive hearing aid centers will be pleased with the devices and services offered by MDHearing.

They offer five models of FDA-compliant hearing aids for those who are experiencing mild to moderate hearing loss. Starting at just $297 per pair (after promotions), pricing for MDHearing is more affordable than traditional hearing aid devices and often beats out similar competitors in the direct-to-consumer market.

After taking the online hearing test and speaking with their knowledgeable instrument specialists for our MDHearing review, we were impressed with the level of service MDHearing offers. Although we wish the company offered more customizable options, they make up for the lack of customization with great prices and attentive service paired with a money-back guarantee. MDHearing continues to be a strong choice for hearing aid solutions.

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Written By:
Dr. Brad Ingrao
Read About Our Panel of Experts
As a practicing audiologist since the 1990’s, Brad Ingrao, AuD has fitted thousands of hearing aids to seniors and people of all ages. Brad is the Official Audiologist for the International Committee on Sports for the Deaf and a well-known… Learn More About Dr. Brad Ingrao