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Medical Alerts and Pacemakers

A Guide to Using Medical Alert Systems With Pacemakers in 2024

Jeff Hoyt Jeff Hoyt Editor in Chief is supported by commissions from providers listed on our site. Read our Editorial Guidelines

Due to advances in medical technology, especially in the last few decades, pacemakers are now better than before. While they aren't all perfect, they can help seniors during life-threatening moments. These devices are rarely known to experience malfunctions, but it does happen. Some common causes of pacemaker malfunctions are battery depletion, electromagnetic interference, and damaged or loose wiring. The results of a pacemaker failure can be fatal, so you want to safeguard against it happening.

According to research, about 3 million people in the world have pacemakers.1 Every one of these patients should have a contingency plan in place just in case the pacemaker fails. One way to prepare for a pacemaker related emergency is to invest in a medical alert system. In this article, we will discuss more about medical alert systems and how they enable those with pacemakers to age in place safely.

Testing out Medical Guardian's MGHome Cellular system

Testing out Medical Guardian's MGHome Cellular system

Choosing a Pacemaker Compatible System

Are you unsure which medical alert system will work with your pacemaker? Most medical alert devices do not interfere with pacemakers, but it’s ideal to choose a high-quality system to prevent issues in the future. If you’re currently in the market for a medical alert system, be sure to check out some of the medical alert systems that we have reviewed. Our top pick is Bay Alarm Medical, which starts at just $24.95 per month.

Pacemaker Compatible Systems

While most medical alert devices do not interfere with pacemakers, it’s always ideal to choose a high-quality system to prevent issues in the future. If you’re currently in the market for a medical alert system, be sure to check out some of the following providers that we have reviewed.

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Call for best price: Call to Order: 855-919-4522 Rating:
5 of 5
Call for best price: Call to Order: 844-946-1712 Rating:
4 of 5
Call for best price: Call to Order: 855-743-0838

Why Use a Medical Alert System With a Pacemaker?

Since you have a pacemaker, there's a good chance you've already experienced major heart problems at least once. The thought of enduring an episode again is extremely scary. Why go through that again? Also remember that women don’t always have extreme chest pain as men often do; they might have symptoms such as pain in the back, arms, neck, or jaw, which can signal a heart emergency.

For a heart attack, it’s crucial to get medical help as quickly as possible, ideally within the first hour of symptoms appearing, to minimize damage to the heart muscle and improve your chance of survival. For cardiac arrest, immediate action is essential, as a person can die within minutes without treatment.2

With a medical alert system, you can reach out for medical intervention with the push of a button. You don't have to explain what's happening to the operator, which is very important, as you’ll likely have little breath to explain. The operator will have instant access to your medical history and can send help immediately.

Expert Advice:

Expert Advice: You might want to consider purchasing a medical alert system with fall detection, too. This will automatically initiate a call to the staff at the emergency monitoring center and could give those with pacemakers and their family peace of mind. 

Ultimately, a medical alert system used with a pacemaker serves as an extra safety net for some of life's most vulnerable moments. You can live life with more confidence when wearing a pacemaker if you also have a medical alert system at the ready.

Testing out a Medical Guardian help pendant

Testing out a Medical Guardian fall detection help pendant

Do Medical Alert Systems Interfere With Pacemakers?

Medical alert systems usually do not interfere with pacemakers. Things with magnetic components, such as metal detectors, heating pads, headphones, and cell phones, do interfere with pacemakers.3 But generally, these medical alert systems are not designed with magnetic components.

To be sure, call your doctor or, better yet, call the pacemaker manufacturer. Be sure to ask about the specific brand of your pacemaker. You might also share information about the particular medical alert system you intend to purchase, as systems from each manufacturer are designed differently. The point is to determine if the pacemaker is susceptible to electromagnetic RF emissions from your medical alert device.

Key Facts:

Key Facts: The FDA advises that it’s okay to use your cell phones (how can we not use our cell phones?) if you have a pacemaker. But don’t keep it in your shirt pocket over the pacemaker and don’t keep a charged phone next to your pacemaker implant. The rule of thumb is to keep cell phones and devices at least six inches away from your pacemaker to be safe.

Do Medical Alert Systems Sync With Pacemakers?

The short answer is no. Medical alert systems do not sync with pacemakers. It would be pretty neat if they did, but as for now, they do not. These two systems work separately but the medical alert system can support you during a health event. For example: your pacemaker vibrates indicating you're experiencing an irregular heart rate. When it vibrates, you can then press the HELP or CALL button on your medical alert device to call for help.

Which Medical Alert Systems Work With Pacemakers?

Once you’ve narrowed down the field to two or three medical alert systems that won’t cause a problem with your pacemaker, consider what type of medical alert system is right for you. You’d probably benefit from a live monitoring service as it ensures you can connect immediately and directly to an operator in the event of a heart failure or health scare. Those that have no live monitoring service will find their calls connected to a family member or friend. If your emergency contacts don't answer, your call will be routed to 911. So, you will still get the help you need.

Did You Know?

Did You Know? People we know might get pacemakers to treat weak hearts and after heart failure. But scientists say the most common reason people get pacemakers is because their heart beats too slowly (bradycardia). Pacemakers are also called for in cases when a heart beats too quickly (tachycardia) or irregularly.4

Many people with pacemakers opt for one of the top medical alert system brands, including popular options like Bay Alarm Medical and Medical Guardian. These brands provide different systems with various service packages and features. Some medical alert systems even offer apps that allow your family to monitor your well-being. They’ll be notified, for example, if you’re inactive for an unusual amount of time or if it appears like something is seriously wrong. Visit our 2024 Bay Alarm Medical review and Medical Guardian review for more details on some of our favorite brands.

Testing out Bay Alarm Medical's SOS Mobile system

Testing out Bay Alarm Medical's SOS Mobile system

How to Save Money Buying a Medical Alert System

Long-term care plans might cover medical alert systems. Original Medicare, unfortunately, does cover medical alert systems. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan or are on Medicaid, however, you might get assistance buying one of these helpful alert systems. Check with your individual plan.

Whether or not you pay out-of-pocket, the monthly fees and add-on features can quickly drive up your bill. If you’re concerned about paying for a medical alert system, know that you have options.

To find low-cost or free options:5

  • Check out AARP as they offer discounts on some brands of medical alert systems to their members.
  • Contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. They might provide you with a system at no cost.
  • Contact your local Area Agency on Aging. They have access to different resources that may help you pay for a medical alert system. Just fill in your city, state, or zip code on their Eldercare Locator to find your nearest agency.
  • Read our list of the most affordable medical alert systems to learn about inexpensive options and additional ways to save.

Medical alert systems provide valuable peace of mind for those with heart-related problems. Essentially, they allow you to remain active with more confidence by knowing medical intervention is easily accessible if you need it. If you have a pacemaker, consider the advantages of adding a medical alert system to your life.

Written By:
Jeff Hoyt
Editor in Chief
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As Editor-in-Chief of the personal finance site, Jeff produced hundreds of articles on the subject of retirement, including preventing identity theft, minimizing taxes, investing successfully, preparing for retirement medical costs, protecting your credit score, and making your money last… Learn More About Jeff Hoyt