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7 Part-Time Jobs That Are Perfect for Retirement

There are many part-time jobs for seniors, including tutoring, babysitting, running an online business, and more.

Taylor Shuman Taylor Shuman Senior Tech Expert & Editor is supported by commissions from providers listed on our site. Read our Editorial Guidelines

Did you know that older Americans are working at higher rates than they have in the past three decades? Between 1994 and 2014, we saw a 117 percent increase in employment for Americans over the age of 65, according to the CDC.1 By 2030, the U.S. Department of Labor expects another 95 percent increase for Americans over the age of 75, which is a higher percent change than any other age group in that same stretch of time.2

Whether you need additional income for financial reasons or just want to fill in some free time in your schedule, check out these seven perfect part-time jobs for seniors in retirement.

1. Teaching or Tutoring

Teaching or Tutoring

Older Americans have something that no other age group has – the wisdom and lessons of a full life. Why not get paid to share that wealth of knowledge with younger generations? And you don’t have to dust off the old grammar books or be a math wizard to get back into teaching during retirement.

Interesting Statistics:

Interesting Statistics: An AARP survey found that 55 percent of working retirees say they continue working because of a financial need. Twenty-five percent of nonworking retirees expect that they will need to work during retirement for financial reasons.

Substitute teachers have the benefit of interacting with students and playing the teacher role while not being expected to lesson plan, grade, or complete a full school year. Or you can consider tutoring. K-12 learners need tutoring at pretty much any level and age, so you’ll be sure to find a learning level that fits your tutoring capacity.

2. Babysitting


Want to share in the joy of being around children without the textbooks, rulers, or times tables charts? Try babysitting!

Babysitting is a great part-time job that pays well, offers a flexible work schedule, and can create a meaningful connection for both you and your customer’s children. Because you’re often watching children in one-on-one settings, you contribute to the child’s maturation and get to know them well, which can be a fun and gratifying experience. Most babysitting shifts only last a few hours, so you don’t have to worry about long hours!

3. Remote Customer Service Rep

Customer Service

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of remote workers has skyrocketed, which means there’s a good chance you can find part-time jobs from the comfort of your home. If you enjoy helping or talking to people, becoming a customer service representative could be a great fit.

Pro Tip:

Pro Tip: Looking for more ways to make the most of your income? Check out our list of frugal living tips for seniors to help you stretch your finances.

In most cases, you’ll need a working computer or laptop with internet access and a phone, but you might find the occasional customer service job that doesn’t require computer usage.

4. Rideshare and Food Delivery

Rideshare and Food Delivery

If you’re anything like Dave Zarrow, a 68-year-old living comfortably in retirement, you might feel angst or restless from time to time. Zarrow was featured in The New York Times in 2019 for being one of many retirees to enter the rideshare and food delivery business, a phenomenon that has proceeded well into 2022.3

Did You Know?

Did You Know? Around half of rideshare drivers are over the age of 50. According to a Gridwise study, 28 percent of rideshare drivers are between 50 and 59 years old, and 23 percent are over 60.4

And why not? If you have the itch to get out of the house or need the extra money, driving for a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft offers the opportunity to set your own schedule, meet new people, and see new things every day.

5. Research for Universities or Businesses

Research for Universities or Businesses

Do you enjoy learning, sharing information, and looking through archives to find valuable data? You can become a university or business researcher. Most databases aren’t much more complicated than a simple Google search, making research the kind of job that pretty much anyone could do, so long as you're organized, detail-oriented, patient, and think you’ll enjoy sifting through dozens (or hundreds!) of texts to find information for your organization.

As an academic researcher, you may have the opportunity to write book reviews, contribute to bigger projects, or publish your own research. If you’re working for a business, you may help analyze or put together information about customers, sales trends, surveys, products, and other business-related needs.

6. Run Your Own Online Business

Run Your Online Business

Do you have a knack for arts and crafts? Feel like you never got a fair chance to catapult your career as a painter? Want to make handmade or personalized jewelry? Consider selling your own products online to earn a little money on the side. You can sell your own products on Amazon, Etsy, Artfire, Ruby Lane, eBay, and other e-commerce platforms!

If you’re unsure about what you might sell on these platforms, consider the following popular product types:

  • Clothing, including vintage
  • Custom-made or personalized jewelry
  • Candles
  • Toys
  • Fashion accessories
  • Wedding items
  • Handmade items
  • Art

Whether you want to clear the clutter in your attic or try creating some products for yourself, running your own part-time online business is a great way to generate some extra income.

7. Turn That Hobby Into Your Next Business

Turn That Hobby Into Your Next Business

Have an interesting hobby that you’ve spent countless hours on but have never monetized? Why not turn that interest into a part-time job? Some hobbies that translate well to a part-time job include:

  • Flower arranging
  • Interior designing
  • Serving as a handyman
  • Putting together furniture
  • Catering or private cooking
  • Knitting and sewing

If you want to get into a hobby that you can monetize, consider taking an online class, attending a class at a community college, or looking up private lessons for yourself. Not only will you enjoy turning your hobby into work, but you’ll also get paid for it!

Final Thoughts

If you have the time, skills, and expertise to turn a hobby into a part-time job, you could benefit from one of the most enjoyable ways to add to your income. And with high inflation rates and the precarious economic situation, there’s no better time than now to turn your skills and hobbies into part-time work.

Want more ideas for jobs you could get into as a retiree? Check out our guide on jobs for seniors and learn more about the senior workforce in the video below.

Need to knows for Seniors!
Written By:
Taylor Shuman
Senior Tech Expert & Editor
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As’s tech expert and editor, Taylor has years of experience reviewing products and services for seniors. She is passionate about breaking down stigmas related to seniors and technology. She loves finding innovative ways to teach seniors about products and… Learn More About Taylor Shuman