Best Assisted Living Facilities in Agoura Hills, CA

Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Agoura Hills, CA area.

Are you searching for senior living options in Agoura Hills, California? With seniors comprising about 42.1% of the population, there is a significant selection of services available to meet their needs, from assisted living to advanced nursing care. The city hosts three senior living facilities, while an additional 531 are spread throughout the surrounding area, ensuring plenty of choices. The average cost for assisted living in Agoura Hills is $4,380 per month, aligning with the state average. In the following discussion, we'll explore some of the finest assisted living communities in Agoura Hills, helping you identify the top-notch care and amenities ideal for your loved one.

7 Communities were found near Agoura Hills, CA
Oakmont of Agoura Hills
Our Rating:
of 5

Oakmont of Agoura Hills

29353 Canwood St, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (0.4 mi from city center)
Assisted Living Independent Living Memory Care

Oakmont of Agoura Hills is a luxury retirement community offering assisted living and memory care services with a focus on personalized care, luxury amenities, and a warm, inviting environment.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Housekeeping services
Dining room
Beauty salon/Barber shop
Technology center
Outdoor areas
Resident parking
Guest parking
Screening room
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Not Specified
One Bedroom - Not Specified
Two Bedroom - Not Specified
Our Rating:
of 5
Skilled Home Care Solutions
Our Rating:
of 5

Skilled Home Care Solutions

30101 Agoura Ct Suite #205, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (0.4 mi from city center)
Home Care

Skilled Home Care Solutions provides personalized home care services tailored to each individual's specific needs, ensuring their safety, well-being, and comfort at home.

View All Amenities
Housekeeping services
Our Rating:
of 5
Meadowbrook of Agoura Hills
Our Rating:
of 5

Meadowbrook of Agoura Hills

5217 Chesebro Rd, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (1.3 mi from city center)
Assisted Living Memory Care

Meadowbrook of Agoura Hills provides quality assisted living and memory care services to seniors in Agoura Hills, California.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Housekeeping services
Dining room
Fitness center and classes
Beauty salon/Barber shop
Outdoor areas
Resident parking
Guest parking
Laundry services
Screening room
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Not Specified
One Bedroom - Not Specified
Two Bedroom - Not Specified
Our Rating:
of 5
Horizons at Calabasas
Our Rating:
of 5

Horizons at Calabasas

26705 Malibu Hills Road, Calabasas, CA 91302 (3.3 mi from city center)
Senior Apartments

Horizons at Calabasas is a 55+ senior apartment community located in Calabasas, CA, offering various amenities and services for active adults.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Housekeeping services
Concierge services
Dining room
Fitness center and classes
Technology center
Outdoor areas
Resident parking
Guest parking
Laundry services
Social and common areas
Transportation services
One Bedroom - Not Specified
Two Bedroom - Not Specified
Our Rating:
of 5
Silverado Calabasas
Our Rating:
of 5

Silverado Calabasas

25100 Calabasas Road, Calabasas, CA 91302 (5.1 mi from city center)
Memory Care

Silverado Calabasas is a specialized memory care community dedicated to enriching life for the memory impaired.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Housekeeping services
Dining room
Beauty salon/Barber shop
Art classes
Outdoor areas
Guest parking
Laundry services
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Starting at $8850/mo
Shared Bedroom - Not Specified
Our Rating:
of 5
Belmont Village Calabasas
Our Rating:
of 5

Belmont Village Calabasas

24141 Ventura Blvd, Calabasas, CA 91302 (6.1 mi from city center)
Assisted Living Independent Living Memory Care

Belmont Village Calabasas offers a range of senior living options including assisted living and memory care, with a focus on providing a high standard of care and service in a vibrant community setting.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Housekeeping services
Concierge services
Dining room
Fitness center and classes
Beauty salon/Barber shop
Outdoor areas
Resident parking
Guest parking
Laundry services
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Not Specified
One Bedroom - Not Specified
Two Bedroom - Not Specified
Our Rating:
of 5
The Preserve at Woodland Hills Assisted Living and Memory Care
Our Rating:
of 5

The Preserve at Woodland Hills Assisted Living and Memory Care

6221 Fallbrook Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 91367 (8.1 mi from city center)
Assisted Living Memory Care

The Preserve at Woodland Hills is a premier Assisted Living and Memory Care Community that serves the Los Angeles, California region with care and support services.

View All Amenities See Available Rooms
Housekeeping services
Dining room
Beauty salon/Barber shop
Art classes
Outdoor areas
Laundry services
Screening room
Social and common areas
Transportation services
Studio - Starting at $4180/mo
Shared Bedroom - Not Specified
Our Rating:
of 5

Map of Assisted Living in Agoura Hills

Find the right senior living community by location
  • Oakmont of Agoura Hills
  • Skilled Home Care Solutions
  • Meadowbrook of Agoura Hills
  • Horizons at Calabasas
  • Silverado Calabasas
  • Belmont Village Calabasas
  • The Preserve at Woodland Hills Assisted Living and Memory Care

Senior Living Statistics for Agoura Hills, California

Average Senior Living Costs by Housing Type

Senior housing costs in Agoura Hills, California, start at an average of $4,380 per month for assisted living. Average prices can range up to $9,098 per month for a two-bedroom unit in a nursing home. There are plenty of options at price points in between, including independent living at $5,122 per month and memory care at $5,825. For nursing home options, a private room averages $5,332, while a semi-private room is slightly lower at $4,625. Additional choices include a nursing home studio priced at $5,989 and a one-bedroom unit costing about $6,306, offering a variety of options to meet different preferences and needs.
Housing Type Average Monthly Cost
Assisted Living $4,380
Memory Care $5,825
Independent Living $5,122
Nursing Home: Private Room $5,332
Nursing Home: Semi-Private Room $4,625
Nursing Home: Studio $5,989
Nursing Home: One Bedroom $6,306
Nursing Home: Two Bedroom $9,098

Average Cost of Assisted Living in Agoura Hills

The average monthly cost of assisted living facilities in Agoura Hills is $4,380. Nearby cities like Santa Paula and Hasley Canyon are slightly less expensive, with average costs of $4,075 per month and $4,095 per month, respectively. Agoura Hills assisted living is slightly more expensive than the average cost of assisted living in California ($4,357 per month) but still less than the country as a whole ($4,546 per month).
City Average Monthly Cost
Agoura Hills $4,380

Here is how the average cost of assisted living in Agoura Hills compares to California and the national average:
Area Average Monthly Cost
Agoura Hills $4,380
California $4,357
United States $4,546

Senior Living Availability in Agoura Hills

Still deciding if an assisted living community in Agoura Hills is right for you? There are plenty of options in and around the city. Agoura Hills has 3 senior living facilities, the surrounding area has 531, and the state of California has 1,923.

Agoura Hills


Surrounding Area



Agoura Hills Senior Demographics

In Agoura Hills, California, seniors make up a significant portion of the population, accounting for about 42.1% of the city's total 20,088 residents. The distribution is fairly balanced between genders, with 49.7% male and 50.3% female. Among these seniors, 16.4% are in their 50s, 14.5% are in their 60s, 7.5% in their 70s, and 3.7% are 80 or older. In terms of marital status, 58.4% are married, 10% are divorced, 28.1% have never married, and a smaller 3.4% are widowed. The town's diversity showcases 73.2% White, with other key demographics such as 16.5% Hispanic, 9.3% identifying as mixed race, and 7.1% Asian. Additionally, there is a smaller presence of 8.5% who identify as other, 1.8% Black, 0.1% Pacific Islander, and no representation from Native Americans, highlighting a mix of backgrounds within this close-knit community.


Agoura Hills has a population of 20,088.
  • 49.7% Male
  • 50.3% Female

Marital Status

  • 58.4% Married
  • 10% Divorced
  • 28.1% Never Married
  • 3.4% Widowed


Seniors make up about 42.1% of the population.
  • 16.4% in their 50s
  • 14.5% in their 60s
  • 7.5% in their 70s
  • 3.7% in their 80s


  • 73.2% White
  • 1.8% Black
  • 7.1% Asian
  • 0.1% Pacific
  • 8.5% Identifying as Other
  • 9.3% Mixed Race
  • 16.5% Hispanic

Additional Cities with Assisted Living Near Agoura Hills

The average cost of senior housing per month in nearby cities of Agoura Hills, California, ranges from $3,955 in Orange to $4,507 in Glendale. Some other popular nearby cities include Anaheim, Torrance, Pasadena, Mission Viejo, and Huntington Beach.

City Average Monthly Cost
City Average Monthly Cost
Los Angeles $4,304
Anaheim $3,957
Mission Viejo $4,315
Torrance $4,156
Orange $3,955
Pasadena $4,124
Huntington Beach $4,003
Long Beach $4,087
Glendale $4,507
City Average Monthly Cost
Newport Beach $4,029
Fullerton $4,144
Costa Mesa $3,979
Burbank $4,306
Santa Monica $4,327
San Juan Capistrano $4,280
Irvine $3,982
Garden Grove $3,968
Yorba Linda $3,948

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Our experts spent over 50 hours researching the best communities in each city, focusing on these key factors.

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Available Care

We value communities that offer more than standard living services, such as memory care and independent living. We think this is beneficial for older adults, as it allows a community to meet your changing needs over time.


Amenities can help an assisted living community feel like a luxury resort or a home away from home. Our research focuses on communities that offer extra perks and benefits for seniors to enjoy.


Location can be important. Since many seniors like to have certain comforts nearby, we look at communities close to parks, shopping areas, hospitals, museums, and other practical or entertaining points of interest.


We read through dozens of reviews for every single contender and include a summary of our findings. In most cases, we see common themes regarding positive and negative feedback about each community. Just remember not to take individual reviews at face value.


Assisted living costs vary greatly based on the facility and level of care. We considered communities that are suitable for various budgets and offer solid value. All prices listed are from community websites.