Leah Lerner headshot

Leah Lerner

Writer & Editor


  • 20 years of writing, editing, and managing content for brands, including Disney, AT&T, Amazon, and Netflix
  • Former editor-at-large for MYMOVE.com
  • Contributor for EHE Health, specializing in preventative health care and nutrition

With nearly 20 years of experience writing and managing content for major brands, Leah Lerner is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer, editor, and content strategist. She produces more than 2,000 articles, blogs, and features each year. Her expertise ranges from health and education to home improvement and travel, and she has written for Amazon, AT&T Interactive, Disney, Netflix, Spirit Airlines, and more.

In the senior space, Leah served as editor-at-large for MYMOVE.com, specializing in senior relocation and downsizing resources. She's also an ongoing contributor for EHE Health, leading content production and ideation for posts about preventative health care, nutrition, and the latest in COVID-19 prevention and vaccines.