Best Assisted Living Facilities in San Marcos, TX

Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the San Marcos, TX area.

San Marcos, Texas, may have a senior population of about 19.2%, but it offers robust senior living options to meet various needs and preferences. With four facilities in the city and an additional 155 in the surrounding area, whether you're looking for independent living, assisted living, or memory care, you'll find choices to suit your lifestyle and budget. In San Marcos, the average monthly cost for assisted living is $4,510, aligning closely with state and national averages. In this article, we'll explore the best assisted living communities available in San Marcos to help you choose the right home for your loved one, ensuring they receive quality care and comfort.

6 Communities were found near San Marcos, TX
Right at Home San Marcos

Right at Home San Marcos

174 S Guadalupe St, Ste 207, San Marcos, TX 78666 (0.6 mi from city center)
Home Care
Sage Spring Senior Living
Our Rating:
of 5

Sage Spring Senior Living

802 Leah Ave, San Marcos, TX 78666 (0.9 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Ashford Wellington
Our Rating:
of 5

Ashford Wellington

600 Leah Avenue, San Marcos, TX 78666 (1.2 mi from city center)
Independent Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Brookdale San Marcos South
Our Rating:
of 5

Brookdale San Marcos South

1401 Wonder World Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666 (1.7 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
New Haven Assisted Living and Memory Care of Kyle
Our Rating:
of 5

New Haven Assisted Living and Memory Care of Kyle

107 Creekside Trail, Kyle, TX 78640 (8.4 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
The Philomena
Our Rating:
of 5

The Philomena

350 Philomena Dr, Kyle, TX 78640 (9.4 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5

Map of Assisted Living in San Marcos

Find the right senior living community by location
  • Right at Home San Marcos
  • Sage Spring Senior Living
  • Ashford Wellington
  • Brookdale San Marcos South
  • New Haven Assisted Living and Memory Care of Kyle
  • The Philomena

Senior Living Statistics for San Marcos, Texas

Average Senior Living Costs by Housing Type

Average housing costs in San Marcos, Texas, range from $4,252 per month for independent living to $5,558 per month for a semi-private room in a nursing home. A few other popular options include assisted living at $4,510 per month, memory care at $4,780 per month, and a private room in a nursing home at $4,413 per month. If you're considering different nursing home layouts, options like a studio unit average $5,015 per month, while a one-bedroom unit comes in at $4,946. These diverse choices ensure that residents can find the perfect fit for their lifestyle and budget in San Marcos.
Housing Type Average Monthly Cost
Assisted Living $4,510
Memory Care $4,780
Independent Living $4,252
Nursing Home: Private Room $4,413
Nursing Home: Semi-Private Room $5,558
Nursing Home: Studio $5,015
Nursing Home: One Bedroom $4,946

Average Cost of Assisted Living in San Marcos

Assisted living in San Marcos costs $4,510 per month on average. For comparison, the average cost of assisted living in Texas is slightly higher at $4,628 per month, while the nationwide average is $4,546 per month.
City Average Monthly Cost
San Marcos $4,510

Here is how the average cost of assisted living in San Marcos compares to Texas and the national average:
Area Average Monthly Cost
San Marcos $4,510
Texas $4,628
United States $4,546

Senior Living Availability in San Marcos

There are many choices for senior living in Texas. The state is home to 1,507 facilities, while San Marcos has 4 communities, and the area surrounding San Marcos has 155 options.

San Marcos


Surrounding Area



San Marcos Senior Demographics

In San Marcos, Texas, seniors make up a smaller segment of the population, accounting for 19.2% of the city's 67,143 residents, with a higher female representation at 52.4% compared to 47.6% male. Of these seniors, 6.1% are in their 50s, 7.2% are in their 60s, 3.8% are in their 70s, and 2.1% are 80 and over. When it comes to marital status, a significant portion, 28.5%, are married, 9.5% are divorced, with a majority, 59.3%, never having married, and 2.7% are widowed. Diversity in San Marcos features a rich tapestry, with 66% identifying as White, 41.9% as Hispanic, and a notable 17.8% mixed race. Other groups include 6.2% Black, 2.3% Asian, 0.5% Native American, 0.1% Pacific Islander, and 7.1% identifying as other, contributing to the city’s vibrant cultural landscape.


San Marcos has a population of 67,143.
  • 47.6% Male
  • 52.4% Female

Marital Status

  • 28.5% Married
  • 9.5% Divorced
  • 59.3% Never Married
  • 2.7% Widowed


Seniors make up about 19.2% of the population.
  • 6.1% in their 50s
  • 7.2% in their 60s
  • 3.8% in their 70s
  • 2.1% in their 80s


  • 66% White
  • 6.2% Black
  • 2.3% Asian
  • 0.5% Native
  • 0.1% Pacific
  • 7.1% Identifying as Other
  • 17.8% Mixed Race
  • 41.9% Hispanic

Additional Cities with Assisted Living Near San Marcos

There are many cities with senior living options near San Marcos, Texas, including Austin, Round Rock, Cedar Park, and Georgetown. Average costs start at $5,063 per month in Georgetown and go up to $5,381 per month in Round Rock. These nearby cities provide a variety of choices for those considering senior living communities.

City Average Monthly Cost
City Average Monthly Cost
Austin $5,288
Round Rock $5,381
Georgetown $5,063
Cedar Park $5,309
City Average Monthly Cost
Pflugerville $5,350
Leander $5,356
Kyle $5,372
Lakeway $5,286

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Our experts spent over 50 hours researching the best communities in each city, focusing on these key factors.

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Available Care

We value communities that offer more than standard living services, such as memory care and independent living. We think this is beneficial for older adults, as it allows a community to meet your changing needs over time.


Amenities can help an assisted living community feel like a luxury resort or a home away from home. Our research focuses on communities that offer extra perks and benefits for seniors to enjoy.


Location can be important. Since many seniors like to have certain comforts nearby, we look at communities close to parks, shopping areas, hospitals, museums, and other practical or entertaining points of interest.


We read through dozens of reviews for every single contender and include a summary of our findings. In most cases, we see common themes regarding positive and negative feedback about each community. Just remember not to take individual reviews at face value.


Assisted living costs vary greatly based on the facility and level of care. We considered communities that are suitable for various budgets and offer solid value. All prices listed are from community websites.