Best Assisted Living Facilities in Alexandria, MN
Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Alexandria, MN area.
Did you know that nearly 39.8% of Alexandria's population is composed of seniors? Whether it's time for assisted living, independent living, or memory care, Alexandria, Minnesota, offers options to meet various lifestyles and budgets. Assisted living costs on average $3,975 per month here, making it a competitive choice in the state and national scene. As families embark on the search for the perfect place for their loved ones, we've put together a guide on the best assisted living communities in Alexandria. This will help make the journey towards secure and comfortable senior care a bit simpler.
- Adult Day Services
- Assisted Living
- Home Care
- Independent Living
- Memory Care
- Nursing Home
- Residential Care Home
- Senior Apartments
- Distance from City Center
- Highest Rating
- Name: A - Z
- Name: Z - A
Vista Prairie at Windmill Ponds
715 Victor St, Alexandria, MN 56308 (1.2 mi from city center)Vista Prairie at Windmill Ponds is a non-profit senior living community in Alexandria, MN, offering Assisted Living Care, Memory Care, and Care Suites.
Edgewood Vista-Alexandria
1902 7th Ave E, Alexandria, MN 56308 (1.4 mi from city center)Edgewood Vista-Alexandria is a senior living facility offering assisted living and memory care services.
Map of Assisted Living in Alexandria
Find the right senior living community by location- Vista Prairie at Windmill Ponds
- Edgewood Vista-Alexandria
Senior Living Statistics for Alexandria, Minnesota
Average Senior Living Costs by Housing Type
Whether you're interested in independent living, assisted living, or memory care, there are several options in Alexandria, Minnesota. Memory care and independent living both average $3,795 per month. For those considering assisted living, the monthly cost is slightly higher at $3,975. Alexandria offers a range of choices to fit various lifestyles and requirements, providing cost-effective solutions for seniors in need of different levels of care.
Housing Type | Average Monthly Cost |
Assisted Living | $3,975 |
Memory Care | $3,795 |
Independent Living | $3,795 |
Average Cost of Assisted Living in Alexandria
Assisted living facilities in Alexandria cost an average of $3,975 per month, which is less expensive than Minnesota's average of $4,117 per month and the nationwide average of $4,546 per month. On the other hand, Alexandria assisted living is more expensive than nearby cities, such as Evansville and Cyrus.
City | Average Monthly Cost |
Alexandria | $3,975 |
Here is how the average cost of assisted living in Alexandria compares to Minnesota and the national average:
Area | Average Monthly Cost |
Alexandria | $3,975 |
Minnesota | $4,117 |
United States | $4,546 |
Senior Living Availability in Alexandria
Seniors in Alexandria can choose from 3 senior living facilities, and there are 3 communities in the surrounding area. In total, Minnesota has 425 senior living options.
Surrounding Area
Alexandria Senior Demographics
In Alexandria, Minnesota, seniors make up a significant 39.8% of its 14,400 residents. The age breakdown shows 11.1% in their 50s, 10.9% in their 60s, 8.7% in their 70s, and 9.1% are 80 and over. Alexandria's population skews slightly towards females, with 51.6% female and 48.4% male residents. Examining marital status, 44.6% are married, 12.2% are divorced, 33.4% have never married, and 9.8% are widowed. In terms of diversity, the community is predominantly White at 93.2%, with 4.4% Hispanic, 2.9% mixed race, and 0.9% Asian. Smaller groups include 0.3% Black, 0.2% Native American, 0.8% Pacific, and 1.7% identifying as other, reflecting Alexandria's varied cultural fabric.
Alexandria has a population of 14,400.- 48.4% Male
- 51.6% Female
Marital Status
- 44.6% Married
- 12.2% Divorced
- 33.4% Never Married
- 9.8% Widowed
Seniors make up about 39.8% of the population.- 11.1% in their 50s
- 10.9% in their 60s
- 8.7% in their 70s
- 9.1% in their 80s
- 93.2% White
- 0.3% Black
- 0.9% Asian
- 0.2% Native
- 0.8% Pacific
- 1.7% Identifying as Other
- 2.9% Mixed Race
- 4.4% Hispanic