Best Assisted Living Facilities in Iowa City, IA

Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Iowa City, IA area.

In Iowa City, Iowa, seniors make up around 23% of the population, fostering a diverse set of senior living options designed to cater to different needs. The city hosts five senior living facilities, offering independent living, assisted living, memory care, and nursing home solutions. With an average assisted living cost of $4,339 per month, living expenses align closely with state averages but remain competitive compared to national rates. We understand the importance of finding the right senior care for you or your loved one's needs, and this guide serves to ease that process by highlighting the top assisted living communities in Iowa City known for their outstanding care and amenities.

11 Communities were found near Iowa City, IA
Nurse Next Door - Iowa City, IA

Nurse Next Door - Iowa City, IA

650 Scott Park Drive, Iowa City, IA 52245 (1.2 mi from city center)
Home Care
Holiday Walden Place
Our Rating:
of 5

Holiday Walden Place

2423 Walden Road, Iowa City, IA 52246 (2.4 mi from city center)
Independent Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Legacy Pointe
Our Rating:
of 5

Legacy Pointe

1020 S Scott Blvd, Iowa City, IA 52240 (2.5 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Regency Heights
Our Rating:
of 5

Regency Heights

1010 Scott Park Dr #101, Iowa City, IA 52245 (2.6 mi from city center)
Senior Apartments
Our Rating:
of 5
Bickford of Iowa City
Our Rating:
of 5

Bickford of Iowa City

3500 Lower West Branch Rd., Iowa City, IA 52245 (2.6 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
The Estates of North Liberty
Our Rating:
of 5

The Estates of North Liberty

1303 5th St, Ste 103, Coralville, IA 52241 (3 mi from city center)
Independent Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Grand Living at Bridgewater
Our Rating:
of 5

Grand Living at Bridgewater

3 Russell Slade Blvd, Coralville, IA 52241 (3.1 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Brown Deer Place
Our Rating:
of 5

Brown Deer Place

1500 1st Ave, Coralville, IA 52241 (3.2 mi from city center)
Memory Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Coralville Senior Residences
Our Rating:
of 5

Coralville Senior Residences

1799 Fifth Street, Coralville, IA 52241 (3.4 mi from city center)
Senior Apartments
Our Rating:
of 5
Stirlingshire of Coralville
Our Rating:
of 5

Stirlingshire of Coralville

1140 Kennedy Pkwy, Coralville, IA 52241 (4 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Keystone Place at Forevergreen
Our Rating:
of 5

Keystone Place at Forevergreen

1275 W Forevergreen Rd, North Liberty, IA 52317 (6.5 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5

Map of Assisted Living in Iowa City

Find the right senior living community by location
  • Nurse Next Door - Iowa City, IA
  • Holiday Walden Place
  • Legacy Pointe
  • Regency Heights
  • Bickford of Iowa City
  • The Estates of North Liberty
  • Grand Living at Bridgewater
  • Brown Deer Place
  • Coralville Senior Residences
  • Stirlingshire of Coralville
  • Keystone Place at Forevergreen

Senior Living Statistics for Iowa City, Iowa

Average Senior Living Costs by Housing Type

Iowa City offers several types of senior living at various price points. The least expensive option, independent living, averages $2,808 per month, while one of the more costly options is a studio in a nursing home, averaging $5,110 per month. Assisted living and memory care are both available for $4,339 per month. Other choices include a private room in a nursing home for $4,925 and a semi-private room at $4,855, providing a variety of options to accommodate different needs and budgets.
Housing Type Average Monthly Cost
Assisted Living $4,339
Memory Care $4,339
Independent Living $2,808
Nursing Home: Private Room $4,925
Nursing Home: Semi-Private Room $4,855
Nursing Home: Studio $5,110

Average Cost of Assisted Living in Iowa City

In Iowa City, assisted living costs a monthly average of $4,339, which is lower than the United States average of $4,546 per month. However, Iowa City is more expensive than some other cities in the area, including Kalona ($3,961 per month) and Wellman ($4,193 per month). Its cost is slightly above the Iowa state average of $4,268.
City Average Monthly Cost
Iowa City $4,339

Here is how the average cost of assisted living in Iowa City compares to Iowa and the national average:
Area Average Monthly Cost
Iowa City $4,339
Iowa $4,268
United States $4,546

Senior Living Availability in Iowa City

Seniors in Iowa City can choose from 5 senior living facilities, and there are 12 communities in the surrounding area. In total, Iowa has 229 senior living options.

Iowa City


Surrounding Area



Iowa City Senior Demographics

Iowa City, Iowa, boasts a senior population that accounts for 23% of its total 74,878 residents. These seniors are distributed across the age groups with 7.5% in their 50s, 8% in their 60s, 4.7% in their 70s, and 2.8% in their 80s and above. Women slightly outnumber men, comprising 50.4% of the population, while men make up 49.6%. Marital status among Iowa City's residents shows diversity with 33.4% married, 6.3% divorced, 57.2% never married, and 3.1% widowed. The city's residents reflect a rich tapestry of cultures, with 75.9% identifying as White, 8.5% Black, and 7.9% Asian. Additionally, there's a smaller representation with 0.3% Native American, 5.2% mixed race, 6.7% Hispanic, and 2.3% identifying as other, showcasing Iowa City's vibrant and inclusive community.


Iowa City has a population of 74,878.
  • 49.6% Male
  • 50.4% Female

Marital Status

  • 33.4% Married
  • 6.3% Divorced
  • 57.2% Never Married
  • 3.1% Widowed


Seniors make up about 23% of the population.
  • 7.5% in their 50s
  • 8% in their 60s
  • 4.7% in their 70s
  • 2.8% in their 80s


  • 75.9% White
  • 8.5% Black
  • 7.9% Asian
  • 0.3% Native
  • 2.3% Identifying as Other
  • 5.2% Mixed Race
  • 6.7% Hispanic

Additional Cities with Assisted Living Near Iowa City

Several neighboring cities offer senior living options around Iowa City. You can find an average senior housing price in Coralville at $4,377 per month. While options might be limited, Coralville provides a nearby choice for those seeking senior housing near Iowa City.

City Average Monthly Cost
City Average Monthly Cost
Coralville $4,377

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Our experts spent over 50 hours researching the best communities in each city, focusing on these key factors.

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Available Care

We value communities that offer more than standard living services, such as memory care and independent living. We think this is beneficial for older adults, as it allows a community to meet your changing needs over time.


Amenities can help an assisted living community feel like a luxury resort or a home away from home. Our research focuses on communities that offer extra perks and benefits for seniors to enjoy.


Location can be important. Since many seniors like to have certain comforts nearby, we look at communities close to parks, shopping areas, hospitals, museums, and other practical or entertaining points of interest.


We read through dozens of reviews for every single contender and include a summary of our findings. In most cases, we see common themes regarding positive and negative feedback about each community. Just remember not to take individual reviews at face value.


Assisted living costs vary greatly based on the facility and level of care. We considered communities that are suitable for various budgets and offer solid value. All prices listed are from community websites.