Best Assisted Living Facilities in Savannah, GA

Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Savannah, GA area.

Seniors make up about 30.7% of Savannah's population, and the city offers a variety of senior living options to meet their diverse needs. With 18 facilities available, Savannah provides choices in independent living, assisted living, memory care, and nursing homes. Finding the right place can be challenging, which is why this guide aims to ease your decision by highlighting some of the best assisted living communities offering top-notch care and amenities in Savannah.

23 Communities were found near Savannah, GA
Acti-Kare of Savannah, GA

Acti-Kare of Savannah, GA

5710 Ogeechee Rd, St 200, Savannah, GA 31405 (2.6 mi from city center)
Home Care
The Social at Savannah
Our Rating:
of 5

The Social at Savannah

1 Peachtree Drive, Savannah, GA 31419 (3 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Magnolia Home Care Service
Our Rating:
of 5

Magnolia Home Care Service

6605 Abercorn St., Suite 101-E, Savannah, GA 31405 (3.1 mi from city center)
Home Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Savannah Square
Our Rating:
of 5

Savannah Square

1 Savannah Square Dr, Savannah, GA 31406 (3.4 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Sunabella Senior Living
Our Rating:
of 5

Sunabella Senior Living

231 W Montgomery Cross Rd, Savannah, GA 31406 (3.5 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Visiting Angels
Our Rating:
of 5

Visiting Angels

6205 Abercorn St Suite 101, Savannah, GA 31405 (4.2 mi from city center)
Home Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Sunabella at Savannah
Our Rating:
of 5

Sunabella at Savannah

11310 White Bluff Rd, Savannah, GA 31419 (4.5 mi from city center)
Memory Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Comfort Keepers of Savannah
Our Rating:
of 5

Comfort Keepers of Savannah

7370 Hodgson Memorial Drive Suite C8, Savannah, GA 31406 (4.5 mi from city center)
Home Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Oaks at Habersham
Our Rating:
of 5

Oaks at Habersham

5200 Habersham St, Savannah, GA 31405 (4.6 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Zeppone Caring Hands Homecare LLC-Savannah
Our Rating:
of 5

Zeppone Caring Hands Homecare LLC-Savannah

340 Eisenhower Dr Ste 1600A, Savannah, GA 31406 (4.8 mi from city center)
Home Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Holiday River's Edge
Our Rating:
of 5

Holiday River's Edge

6206 Waters Avenue, Savannah, GA 31406 (5 mi from city center)
Independent Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Home Instead - Savannah, GA
Our Rating:
of 5

Home Instead - Savannah, GA

6709 Forest Park Drive, Suite B, Savannah, GA 31406 (5 mi from city center)
Home Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Nurturing Alliance of Life
Our Rating:
of 5

Nurturing Alliance of Life

174 Aquinnah Drive, Pooler, GA 31322 (5.5 mi from city center)
Memory Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Harmony at Savannah
Our Rating:
of 5

Harmony at Savannah

9136 Old Montgomery Rd, Savannah, GA 31406 (5.6 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Horizon Adult Day Health Inc.
Our Rating:
of 5

Horizon Adult Day Health Inc.

4714 Augusta Road, Garden City, GA 31408 (5.8 mi from city center)
Adult Day Services
Our Rating:
of 5
Wisteria Gardens
Our Rating:
of 5

Wisteria Gardens

1384 S Rogers St, Pooler, GA 31322 (6.6 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Oaks at Savannah
Our Rating:
of 5

Oaks at Savannah

7410 Skidaway Rd, Savannah, GA 31406 (7 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Legacy Savannah Quarters
Our Rating:
of 5

Legacy Savannah Quarters

101 Shepherd Way, Pooler, GA 31322 (7.4 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Interim HealthCare of Savannah, GA
Our Rating:
of 5

Interim HealthCare of Savannah, GA

138 Canal Street Suite 306, Pooler, GA 31322 (7.4 mi from city center)
Home Care
Our Rating:
of 5
Oaks at Pooler
Our Rating:
of 5

Oaks at Pooler

125 Southern Junction Blvd, Pooler, GA 31322 (8.6 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Ways Station Apartments
Our Rating:
of 5

Ways Station Apartments

201 Kroger Drive, Richmond Hill, GA 31324 (9.2 mi from city center)
Senior Apartments
Our Rating:
of 5
The Oaks at The Marshes of Skidaway Island
Our Rating:
of 5

The Oaks at The Marshes of Skidaway Island

95 Skidaway Island Park Road, Savannah, GA 31411 (9.3 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5
Magnolia Manor on the Coast
Our Rating:
of 5

Magnolia Manor on the Coast

141 Timber Trail, Richmond Hill, GA 31324 (9.7 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
Our Rating:
of 5

Map of Assisted Living in Savannah

Find the right senior living community by location
  • Acti-Kare of Savannah, GA
  • The Social at Savannah
  • Magnolia Home Care Service
  • Savannah Square
  • Sunabella Senior Living
  • Visiting Angels
  • Sunabella at Savannah
  • Comfort Keepers of Savannah
  • Oaks at Habersham
  • Zeppone Caring Hands Homecare LLC-Savannah
  • Holiday River's Edge
  • Home Instead - Savannah, GA
  • Nurturing Alliance of Life
  • Harmony at Savannah
  • Horizon Adult Day Health Inc.
  • Wisteria Gardens
  • Oaks at Savannah
  • Legacy Savannah Quarters
  • Interim HealthCare of Savannah, GA
  • Oaks at Pooler
  • Ways Station Apartments
  • The Oaks at The Marshes of Skidaway Island
  • Magnolia Manor on the Coast

Senior Living Statistics for Savannah, Georgia

Average Senior Living Costs by Housing Type

Average senior living costs in Savannah, Georgia, range from $3,735 per month for a semi-private room in a nursing home to $4,979 for a one-bedroom unit in a nursing home. There are plenty of options in between, including assisted living at $3,795 per month, independent living at $4,057 per month, and memory care at $4,132 per month. Nursing home choices also feature a private room option for $4,082 and a studio for $4,216, catering to a variety of needs and budgets.
Housing Type Average Monthly Cost
Assisted Living $3,795
Memory Care $4,132
Independent Living $4,057
Nursing Home: Private Room $4,082
Nursing Home: Semi-Private Room $3,735
Nursing Home: Studio $4,216
Nursing Home: One Bedroom $4,979

Average Cost of Assisted Living in Savannah

The average cost of assisted living is $3,795 per month in Savannah. This is more expensive than other nearby cities, including Daisy and Oliver, which cost an average of $2,468 and $2,363 per month, respectively. Savannah’s costs are above the Georgia state average of $3,583 but remain below the national average of $4,546 per month.
City Average Monthly Cost
Savannah $3,795

Here is how the average cost of assisted living in Savannah compares to Georgia and the national average:
Area Average Monthly Cost
Savannah $3,795
Georgia $3,583
United States $4,546

Senior Living Availability in Savannah

Savannah residents have 18 senior living facilities to choose from. In the surrounding area, there are 26 communities, and the state offers a total of 750 facilities. With this variety, you can find a community that feels right at home.



Surrounding Area



Savannah Senior Demographics

As of 2023, seniors constitute 30.7% of Savannah, Georgia’s population of 147,583. This age group is slightly skewed towards females, at 52.4%, compared to 47.6% male. In analyzing age brackets, 10.3% are in their 50s, 10.4% in their 60s, 6.5% in their 70s, and 3.5% in their 80s and beyond. Regarding marital status among seniors, 31.5% are married, 14.3% are divorced, 48.3% have never married, and 5.9% are widowed. The city’s diverse makeup includes 38.3% White and 52.7% Black seniors. Additionally, 6.4% are Hispanic, 4.5% identify as mixed race, 2.8% as Asian, 0.2% as Native American, 0.1% as Pacific Islander, and 1.4% as other, creating a richly varied cultural blend in Savannah.


Savannah has a population of 147,583.
  • 47.6% Male
  • 52.4% Female

Marital Status

  • 31.5% Married
  • 14.3% Divorced
  • 48.3% Never Married
  • 5.9% Widowed


Seniors make up about 30.7% of the population.
  • 10.3% in their 50s
  • 10.4% in their 60s
  • 6.5% in their 70s
  • 3.5% in their 80s


  • 38.3% White
  • 52.7% Black
  • 2.8% Asian
  • 0.2% Native
  • 0.1% Pacific
  • 1.4% Identifying as Other
  • 4.5% Mixed Race
  • 6.4% Hispanic

Additional Cities with Assisted Living Near Savannah

The average cost of senior housing per month in nearby cities around Savannah, Georgia, includes Pooler at $3,779. While limited in options, Pooler is a popular nearby city to consider for senior living needs.

City Average Monthly Cost
City Average Monthly Cost
Pooler $3,779

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Our experts spent over 50 hours researching the best communities in each city, focusing on these key factors.

Senior Living Ratings Methodology

Available Care

We value communities that offer more than standard living services, such as memory care and independent living. We think this is beneficial for older adults, as it allows a community to meet your changing needs over time.


Amenities can help an assisted living community feel like a luxury resort or a home away from home. Our research focuses on communities that offer extra perks and benefits for seniors to enjoy.


Location can be important. Since many seniors like to have certain comforts nearby, we look at communities close to parks, shopping areas, hospitals, museums, and other practical or entertaining points of interest.


We read through dozens of reviews for every single contender and include a summary of our findings. In most cases, we see common themes regarding positive and negative feedback about each community. Just remember not to take individual reviews at face value.


Assisted living costs vary greatly based on the facility and level of care. We considered communities that are suitable for various budgets and offer solid value. All prices listed are from community websites.