Best Assisted Living Facilities in Lagrange, GA
Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Lagrange, GA area.
We found 4 communities near Lagrange, GA
LaGrange Heritage Senior Living
250 Hills and Dales Farm Rd, Lagrange, GA 30240 (5 mi from city center)
Assisted Living
- Poplar Creek at Home
- Leisure Living of LaGrange
- Vernon Woods Retirement Community
- LaGrange Heritage Senior Living
Senior Living Statistics for Lagrange, Georgia
Available Senior Living Facilities in Lagrange
Number of senior living facilities in:
4Surrounding Area
754Lagrange Demographics
Based on information from 2023, here are some details around the population of Lagrange, such as age distribution for seniors, and racial diversity.
Lagrange has a population of 30,332.- 46.8% Male
- 53.2% Female
Marital Status:
- 47.2% Married
- 14.3% Divorced
- 32.1% Never Married
- 6.4% Widowed
Seniors make up about 35.8% of the population.- 11.3% in their 50s
- 12.5% in their 60s
- 7.4% in their 70s
- 4.6% in their 80s
- 62.9% White
- 29.8% Black
- 2.4% Asian
- 0.2% Native
- 0% Pacific
- 1.7% Identifying as Other
- 3% Mixed Race
- 2.7% Hispanic