Best Assisted Living Facilities in Minot, ND
Find local assisted living and retirement communities in the Minot, ND area.
Minot, North Dakota offers a selection of four senior living facilities and is supported by an additional four in neighboring areas, providing options that include independent living, assisted living, and memory care. With seniors representing about 28.8% of Minot's population, there is a significant demand for quality senior care. Assisted living in Minot averages $3,663 per month, making it a cost-effective choice compared to state and national averages. We understand the importance of finding a facility that fits your specific needs, so in this article, we'll explore the best senior living options in Minot to ensure your loved one enjoys their golden years in comfort and care.
- Adult Day Services
- Assisted Living
- Home Care
- Independent Living
- Memory Care
- Nursing Home
- Residential Care Home
- Senior Apartments
- Distance from City Center
- Highest Rating
- Name: A - Z
- Name: Z - A
Minot Lodge Senior Living
601 24th Ave SW, Minot, ND 58701 (2.4 mi from city center)Elison of Minot
3515 10th St SW, Minot, ND 58701 (3 mi from city center)Somerset Court
1900 28th St SW, Minot, ND 58701 (3.1 mi from city center)Map of Assisted Living in Minot
Find the right senior living community by location- The View
- Minot Lodge Senior Living
- Elison of Minot
- Somerset Court
Senior Living Statistics for Minot, North Dakota
Average Senior Living Costs by Housing Type
The most affordable option for senior housing in Minot, North Dakota, is a semi-private room in a nursing home, costing $3,389 per month on average. Assisted living, memory care, and independent living are similarly priced, each averaging $3,663 per month and offering flexible living arrangements. A private room in a nursing home is slightly more, costing $3,922 monthly. For those seeking more space and convenience, a nursing home studio is the priciest option, coming in at $4,588 per month. With these diverse choices, residents can find a suitable and economical living arrangement in Minot.
Housing Type | Average Monthly Cost |
Assisted Living | $3,663 |
Memory Care | $3,663 |
Independent Living | $3,663 |
Nursing Home: Private Room | $3,922 |
Nursing Home: Semi-Private Room | $3,389 |
Nursing Home: Studio | $4,588 |
Average Cost of Assisted Living in Minot
Assisted living costs in Minot average $3,663 per month, which is on par with the cost in nearby Burlington. However, it's a bit more expensive than in Voltaire, where the average cost is $3,324, making it $339 less than in Minot.
City | Average Monthly Cost |
Minot | $3,663 |
Here is how the average cost of assisted living in Minot compares to North Dakota and the national average:
Area | Average Monthly Cost |
Minot | $3,663 |
North Dakota | $3,842 |
United States | $4,546 |
Senior Living Availability in Minot
Minot is home to 4 of the 24 senior living communities in North Dakota. If you expand your search to cities that surround Minot, there are 4 additional facilities to choose from.
Surrounding Area
North Dakota
Minot Senior Demographics
In Minot, North Dakota, seniors make up 28.8% of the city's population of 48,038, with a demographic split of 52.2% male and 47.8% female. Among these seniors, 10.4% are in their 50s, 8.8% in their 60s, 5.4% in their 70s, and 4.2% are 80 and above. In terms of marital status, 47% are married, 12.1% are divorced, 36.3% have never married, and 4.6% are widowed. Looking at the diversity within the senior population, 82.2% identify as White, followed by 7.4% Hispanic, and 4.5% Black. Additional diversity includes 7.4% mixed race, 2.2% Asian, 1.7% Native American, 0.1% Pacific, and 2% who identify as other, contributing to Minot's rich cultural tapestry.
Minot has a population of 48,038.- 52.2% Male
- 47.8% Female
Marital Status
- 47% Married
- 12.1% Divorced
- 36.3% Never Married
- 4.6% Widowed
Seniors make up about 28.8% of the population.- 10.4% in their 50s
- 8.8% in their 60s
- 5.4% in their 70s
- 4.2% in their 80s
- 82.2% White
- 4.5% Black
- 2.2% Asian
- 1.7% Native
- 0.1% Pacific
- 2% Identifying as Other
- 7.4% Mixed Race
- 7.4% Hispanic